You must have been wondering what I have been up to lately. I have been studying a lot. You would probably find it strange that I am saying that since I literally swore not to touch a book ever since June. Well, almost, but I'm sure I have the exception for cook books, recipe books, any book to do with cakes, baking or cooking. Those few categories I definitely have the palate (pun intended) for them :)
As I was saying, I have been studying a lot about cakes and baking techniques as well as know-hows. I will elaborate more on baking techniques and know-hows in my next post.
"Let them eat cake"
Marie Antoinette

Honestly, until I read "A World of Cake", I never knew that there is so much common with people from different parts of the world in connection with cakes. Cakes help to liven up celebrations, bring along their cultures and heritages in different parts of the world. This sentence that was the most inspiring was "The cakes we create in our own kitchens can transport us anywhere in place or time, from modern day Tokyo to medieval England, from colonial Indonesia to ancient Egypt".
In this age and time, we are able to recreate recipes from all over the world in accordance with our personal preferences, tastes and local ingredients. Yay world, we have come so far and this just concludes that:
"Cakes are good for the soul"
Krystina Castella
Interestingly, over the centuries, various cakes all over the world have been invented and created as a result of various cultural movements. Ok don't go to sleep, this is not a history lesson. Or at least not yet.
For example, from 1200 to 1400, as sugar became abundant for European upper classes and was introduced to Asia, mooncakes were created.
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So after reading so much about various types of cakes, it's high time we celebrate them! Yes, these cakes do have days or holidays held specially for them. Let me bake one soon so we can celebrate :) Join in the celebrations with me if you can.
Afterall, we can have our cake and eat it too :):)
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